At Home Spa Recipe -- Brown Sugar Body Scrub

At Home Spa Recipe -- Brown Sugar Body Scrub
At Home Spa Recipe -- Brown Sugar Body Scrub
No Need for an expensive trip to the spa with this fabulous and simple body scrub!!

Create a Spa in Your Home
I went to a Culinary Meetup Group on Sunday, and the theme this month was "Spa at Home." Each woman created a home-made spa recipe to share. I went with my stand-by: Brown Sugar Body Scrub. It is incredibly easy to make and is versatile, depending on what ingredients you have on hand. And did I mention that it is FABULOUS!!

This is a recipe that I created myself after spending $15 on a store-bought scrub. After reading the ingredients, I figure their profit margin had to be around 1000%, and rather than give anyone that kind of money again, I'd recreate the recipe myself. I have been using it for over a year now, and still love it!

Brown Sugar

    Excellent to exfoliate dry skin from head to toe.
    Sugar scrubs also tightens pores and adds moisture to the skin leaving it smooth and soft.
    Sugar contains glycolic acid that works to protect and moisture the skin and help the body maintain a natural balance.


    oxidants and flavanoids
    Cleopatra as an anti-aging remedy.
    Promotes healing of cuts and abrasions.
    Because it is a humectant, it attracts and maintains moisture balance in the skin, without being oily.

Coconut Oil

    Safe solution for preventing dryness and flaking of skin.
    Delays wrinkles, and sagging of skin which normally become prominent with age.
    Helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and other skin conditions.

Almond Oil

    Improves complexion and retains glow
    Moisturizes deeply
    Soothes skin irritation and inflammation
    Delays the again process
    Lightens dark under-eye circles
    Relieves dry, itchy skin
    Cures chapped lips and body rashes

If you do not have Almond Oil, you can substitute Olive Oil, which is also an excellent moisturizer. Secret Ingredient: I love the smell of vanilla, and sometimes will put just a dash of pure vanilla in the mix!

I do not have the amounts written down anywhere. Start with one cup of brown sugar and then add equal amounts of honey, coconut oil, and almond oil. Mix it with your fingers (they'll thank you for the scrub!) and add additional ingredients until you get the consistency of cookie dough (?)...I can't think of a good comparison for the consistency. You want it to be wet enough to spread evenly, yet solid enough to scoop out of the bowl.

I use the scrub 2 - 3 times a week and this amount should last about that long. If you plan on keeping it longer, I suggest keeping it an airtight container in the fridge. I use the scrub right before I am done showering and apply it in a circular motion with your hand, a washcloth or a loofah. It is great to use from head to toe--I even use it on my face!
Let it sit for a minute or two so your skin can absorb it, and then rinse....No Need for Additional Moisturizer!!