Natural Remedies for Gorgeous Skin

Natural Remedies for Gorgeous Skin
Natural Remedies for Gorgeous Skin
Make the best out of your skin without spending hundreds of dollars on expensive beauty products by turning towards the help of natural remedies. Take a peek at these useful ingredients which can make your skin look and feel amazing and give them a try!
Apparently, nature provides everything we need to live and maintain the beauty of our skin for longer, so no wonder that the attention is drawn back to basics. Most skin care products contain chemical ingredients which can actually dry out the skin or cause allergic reactions, so why not opt for natural remedies, which have been around for centuries and were proven to work. This way you'll not only save money, but offer your skin the best natural ingredients which can't damage your skin.

There are so many natural ingredients out there to try, it's just amazing, so check out the following natural remedies for gorgeous skin and incorporate your favorites into your skin care regimen.


Lavender essential oil
Lavender is known for its calming properties, being a highly popular ingredient in aromatherapy and not only. To sooth your skin and help your mind relax add about 10 drops of lavender essential oil in your bath water and prepare for a nice, relaxing evening.

Apricot skin repair
Apricots are not only delicious, but they can also help your skin maintain its beauty and elasticity. The high content of beta-carotene, folic acid and iron help maintain the skin's health protecting it from damage. Make your own homemade facial with these super-fruits. Apply a mash of apricots to your skin and let it work for about 10 minutes. Rinse the paste with lukewarm water and enjoy the feel of soft, moist skin.

Almond oil/powder
Almond oil or powder can be a great aid for your skin as well as hair. Mix a bit of almond oil or powder with water and apply on the skin to help hydrate, sooth and diminish the appearance of irritated skin.

Silver birch
Silver birch bark can be very useful in skin care as it contains ingredients which can help diminish the appearance of pigmentation spots and can give your skin a boost of radiance. Use this ingredient regularly in skin care and help your skin radiate beauty.

Oat seeds contain a high amount of fiber which is great for your health, but oats can also be a perfect aid in skin care. Crushed oats mixed with water can be a great natural exfoliant, but not very suitable for sensitive skin. Oats can also help diminish rashes due to their anti-inflammatory properties, so pour a couple of cups of oats into a cheesecloth, tie the ends to form a tiny sack and submerge it into your bath water 15 minutes prior to getting in, so the infusion will help sooth your skin.

Coconut oil
The health benefits of coconut oil extend from skin care to stress relief, weight loss, so it's a perfect ingredient to help you look amazing from the inside out. Coconut oil ingredients are antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, soothing and imuno-stimulating, so use it in your cooking, as salad dressing or simply add a few spoons to your tea.

A healthy diet can also have a positive impact on your skin, so make sure you get fabulous looking skin by tackling the problems from the inside out.

Photos: Thinkstock Photos

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