Beauty Tips with Lemon to the Rescue

Beauty Tips with Lemon to the Rescue
Beauty Tips with Lemon to the Rescue
Lemon is a health and endless beauty receptacle. We will never manage to thank it for all the free benefits it gives us trough its vitamins with miraculous effects for beauty and vigor.
The rough skin on the elbows, knees and heels disappears if you rub it with a half lemon, soaked in salt. Let them interact for a few moments then wash and anoint with a greasy cream.

Treatment for oily skin:
  • Cut a lemon into pieces, scatter on it 2 spoons of fresh or dried mint and then pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave for 3-4 minutes then make a steam bath, covering your head with a towel. The bath should last 10 minutes.
Mask for all types of skin:
  • Mix the juice from a half lemon with a yolk. Leave the composition for 5 minutes then anoint it on the clean cheek. (the eyes area should be protected). Let it act for 15 minutes then wash with warm water and let the liquid dry on your face. Then apply a moisturizing cream.
For fragile nails and spots on the hands:
  • Lemon whitens the nails and hardens them, removes the spots remained on the hands from cooking. Rub your palms and their back, your nails and their roots with half lemon.
Against exhaustion and swollen feet:
  • A refreshing bath with lemon slices relaxes and lessens the swollen and tired feet. Before going to bed, wash your feet in a wash-bowl where you combine fuggy water (at the room temperature) with lemon pieces. At the end (stay as long as you wish but not more than 15 minutes) rub your heels and the sole with the soaked lemon slices. Rinse out and wipe out with a towel.
For tonus:
Lemon is very high in vitamin C, an energy vitamin. When you feel tired and you want to invigorate, drink a glass of mineral water in which you squeeze half of fresh lemon (without sugar or any other substitutes).
  • The lemon juice added to the rinsing water gives vigor to the hair. Teeth become brighter and the breath is refreshed if from time to time you chew a slice of lemon.
Milk: combine 1 spoon of lemon juice with 1 spoon of sugar and 100ml milk. Apply it on the face with a cotton pad. Let it for 1 minute then wipe it off, imbibe the pad all the time until the skin remains as a crystal. Wipe with warm water.