Natural Beauty Tricks and Recipes to Try

Natural Beauty Tricks and Recipes to Try
Longing for an absolutely flawless complexion? These natural beauty tricks and skin care recipes are here to help you re-organize your skin and body care regime. Let organic ingredients do magic to your look and explore the simplest treatments you can embed into your daily schedule.

Numerous beauticians recommend the use of natural ingredients in our skin care routine. Those who are not afraid of packing away the pricey cosmetics and experimenting with natural vitamin resources will have the chance to restore the spotless condition of their skin.

These natural beauty tricks offer you a parade of treatments tested by millions of people all over the world. Make sure you don't underestimate the revitalizing and repairing power of fresh fruits, seeds, oils and vegetables.

Turmeric and Orange for Exfoliation

The discoloration of the skin and clogged pores are only some of the conditioned triggered by the build up of dead cells on the surface of the skin. Those who wish to get rid of these problems have the chance to experiment with a turmeric and orange exfoliating scrub. In a medium bowl, mix 1 tsp of turmeric powder with 1 tsp of orange juice or pulp. Apply the mixture on your cleansed complexion and start massaging the whole face with circular movements. Go on with this ritual for 4-5 minutes, then rinse the scrub off with cold water.

Avocado for Puffy Eyes

Avocado is perfect to revitalize your skin and reduce the puffiness of your tired eyes. It is highly recommended to use the peel rather than the actual fruit. Use the inside of the peel and rub it into your pores.

Massage your face for a few minutes, then you can leave the treatment on for 20 minutes. Place a few avocado slices under your eyes to reduce the swelling. Finally rinse off the facial with lukewarm water.

Banana and Honey for Shiny Hair

Are you ready to inject radiance into your locks with a pocket-friendly treatment? The banana and honey hair mask is the perfect remedy to kiss goodbye to flat and lifeless locks. In a medium bowl mix 1 medium banana (mashed) with 2 tbs of honey.

Apply the mixture on your dry locks and cover the hair with a clean towel. Leave the treatment on for 10-15 minutes and finally wash it off with shampoo and warm water.

Basil for White Teeth

Strawberries are only one of the best remedies to bleach your teeth. However, you can also use basil as the best homemade whitening treatment. Dry a few leaves and grind them to get the best texture. Pour a tiny amount of the ground basil on your toothpaste and wash your teeth with it. Keep on with this ritual for a few days to have a radiant and alluring smile.

Cornmeal and Banana Foot Scrub

Revitalize the skin on your feet and get rid of the roughness using this natural treatment. In a bowl mix 1 tbs mashed banana with 1 tbs cornmeal. After you've obtained the ideal texture massage the paste into your skin. Make sure you tackle the calluses to have the desired softening effect. Do this ritual for 4-5 minutes then you can rinse off the mixture with water.

UV Damage Repairing Facial

Have you forgotten to use the most protective sunscreen formulas? It's time to pamper your complexion with a soothing and repairing spa treatment. Mash 10 blueberries with 1 tbs plain yogurt. Use the food processor to get the ideal texture. Apply the paste on your skin and leave the facial on for 15-20 minutes. Finish up your revitalizing treatment by washing off the mask with water.