Tips To Remove Make-Up With Natural Agents

Tips To Remove Make-Up With Natural Agents
Tips To Remove Make-Up With Natural Agents
Make-up, something which a girl never forgets to put on, is one of the major aspects of her life, which helps her look beautiful. But the same, can also turn her beauty to a disaster, if it is kept on for a long time. Thus, it is very important her remove our make-up completely before going to bed. Even if it consists of a lip-gloss and kajal, it needs to be removed.

There are many cleansing lotions available in the market but it’s best to use natural products. Here are some tips to remove your make-up -

1.For lipstick, pat your lips with rosemary oil. This will soften the lipstick. Then with the help of cotton, wipe it off. Rosemary oil will also help keeping your lips healthy.

2.Wash your face with cold water and pat dry it. Then take cold milk or yogurt in cotton and rub it gently on your skin in a circular motion to take off your make-up. Milk and yogurt, are natural cleansers and also treats your skin of all possible blemishes.

3.Wipe your eyes with water thrice to moisten the cosmetic, then you can use coconut oil or olive oil wipe off the make-up. But with eyes, be very gentle and remove one after the other. First, work on your kajal and mascara, and then work on your eye shadow etc.

4.For hair, was it with cold water and never warm water. Sometimes chemicals used in hair may react to warm water, thus, it’s safe to stick to cold water. You can use coconut water, curd or soaked amla and reetha as shampoo for your hair.

After taking off all the cosmetics, apply rose water to your skin and go off for a good night skin. Removing make-up using natural ingredients, not only ensures safety from side effects but also treats your skin from all harsh effect which the cosmetics would have caused.