Natural Remedies to Cure Cracked Heels

Natural Remedies to Cure Cracked Heels
Natural Remedies to Cure Cracked Heels
Most of us dream of wearing sexy high heels stilettos and beautiful strappy sandals. But due to bad condition of the heels, simply can’t ! The idea of exposing the cracked heels makes you ashamed of your cracked feet, right! Well stop worrying and get set to buy the high heel sandals and stilettos to flaunt your feet in the coming summer.
Read on to learn the top time tested natural remedies to cure cracked heels
Cure cracked heels with ripe bananas Do not throw the ripe banana but use it as a beauty aid. Simply mash one ripe banana and apply it thoroughly on the dry and cracked heels. Leave the mash on for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash with warm and cold water alternatively. You will experience smooth and slippery heels just after one application.
Apply olive oil to the cracked heels To heal dry and cracked heels use olive oil for your feet religiously. Before going to bed rub olive oil into your dry, cracked heels and remember NOT to rinse. After applying olive quickly wear a pair of socks . Leave the socks on overnight, as it help the heels immensely to absorb all the moisture and you will find them to be soft and supple in the morning.

Use Rosewater and Glycerin
Apply a mix of glycerin and rosewater to your feet almost everyday continuously for 15 days and you will be amazed to see the results . You heels will restore their actual softness and will heal tremendously.

Foot soak is a must
Daily cleaning and moisturizing is essential, for healing the heels. At the end of the day try to soak your feet in warm salty water for at least 10 -15 minutes. After drying your feet, apply your favorite foot cream to moisturize. Do not leave your feet open but wear a pair of socks immediately and keep leave the socks on overnight.

Honey Foot Soak
To turn your feet softer mix 1 cup of honey to 1 gallon of warm water and soak your feet for 10 15 minutes. All the dryness from the heels will vanish completely and the heels will become soft and supple that you will end up touching them again and again.

Apply lemon Scrub
After the foot soak in warm, soapy water for 15 minutes, wash and dry your feet completely. Then take one teaspoon of Vaseline in a bowl and add lemon juice to it. Rub this mixture on your feet mainly the cracked areas and let the skin absorb this mixture thoroughly.

Alternatively you can also cut a lemon and rub it directly on your feet. While rubbing lemon add few drops of Vaseline to it to to make rubbing smooth.

Besides practicing these natural home remedies the other important thing to be kept in mind is proper diet

Keep an eye on your diet

1. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated as water helps to keep your skin soft and supple and good hydration will not lead to dryness, cuts and cracks. Simply increase your water intake to at least 8-9 glasses everyday.

2. Cracked heels and dryness is commonly caused by deficiency of vitamins, minerals, zinc and omega 3 fatty acids. Therefore to cure your heels you should consume a diet rich in iron, calcium, zinc and omega 3 fatty acids.

3. Drink lots of of fluids and eat fresh green vegetables, cereals, nuts, dairy products, meat, chicken, fish, eggs, brown rice etc to overcome the diet deficiencies.

Tips for prevention of dry and cracked heels

1. Buy the right size of footwear as ill fitting shoes cause damage to the feet.

2. Avoid walking bare feet even if you are at home as feet catch dust more readily when you walk without slippers.

3. Keep your feet dirt free and clean at all times.

4. To sooth and relax the feet wash them alternatively with hot and cold water.

5. Moisturize your feet at least once a day to keep them soft and supple.

6. Clean your heels by rubbing them with pumice stone to get rid of the dead dull skin on regular basis.

Dryness and cracked heels are a great sign of lack of attention to foot care, so do not ignore your feet but take care of them. Go for professional Pedi cure from time to time and indulge in foot soaking and moisturizing now and then. Put this home remedies to practice and and get set to take that glamorous walk in your sexy high heels stilettos.