Womens Beauty Tips : How to Stay Beautiful After Age 50

Womens Beauty Tips : How to Stay Beautiful After Age 50
Womens Beauty Tips : How to Stay Beautiful After Age 50

A woman is the most beautiful creature on earth and they pay more attention to their appearance than men do. Staying beautiful is their ultimate goal and women wants to look youthful at any age. Reaching the age of 50 years is not the end of your life and certainly not the end of staying beautiful. Every age has its charm and a woman can still stay beautiful at age 50 or even more.

Appearance is maybe important but it is better to remember Kahlil Gibran’s words: beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart. Another saying “You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, she is beautiful because you love her which means the beauty of a woman is in her heart.

Here are some tips which may help women to stay beautiful at 50:

*Eating healthy
A healthy lifestyle is important for everyone and will help to stay beautiful at 50 and even older. We all know the proverb “you are what you eat” which means your beauty is affected through your health. You can only be beautiful if you eat a well balanced diet with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Vitamin B will help you to keep your skin healthy, zinc is necessary for beautiful hair, vitamin C to prevent wrinkles and to look youthful. Avoiding the bad fats and eating good fats as fatty fish, nuts and vegetable oils will help you to keep your weight under control.

*Staying active
Exercise is necessary and you best choose one which you like. You don’t need necessarily to choose for intensive exercises; even walking or going to the gym may help you to keep your body fit and healthy. You can also join some groups where physical activity is required, for example dancing, team sports or any other which you like. It is necessary to burn calories and more if you become older because most women tend to sit more with the consequence they burn fewer calories.

*Involved in social activities
Joining cultural activities or some other social activities will help you to stay active. Such organizations need always people to help and if you are involved in these tasks, you can also build up a new circle of friends. It is helpful to relax your brains and has a positive effect on your appearance.

*Using good moisturizers
Using good moisturizers is necessary for the health of your skin and body. It is not a matter of picking the one which smells best; you also need to choose one which fits your skin type. Some moisturizers contain ingredients with preservatives and it is possible you get an allergic reaction. The moisturizer you choose may never irritate or burn your skin.

It may also be helpful to treat your skin with natural products. These products soften your skin more efficiently but you need to check the ingredients of your natural product. Many contain herbs and flowers and may be not a good choice if you suffer hay fever.

*Getting a new hairstyle to liven up your look
A new hairstyle can do miracles to liven up your look. There are so many hairstyles available and you can brighten your appearance with a total new hairstyle you like. It is also different if you have short or long hair. A woman with long hair can already make a huge difference with adding some layers more. The shape of your face is an important issue if you choose for a new hairstyle. With a little bit research, you can liven up your look with a total new hairstyle and you may even look 10 years younger.

*Drinking plenty of water
Drinking plenty of water will keep your skin nourished from the inside out. It is already a necessity to avoid dehydration and you will certainly look younger if you drink sufficient water. Drinking plenty of water is the key for a good health and appearance.

*Avoid smoking
Smoking will cause wrinkles in your face and you will look older than you really are. It also damages some other parts of your body, even your inner arms. The nicotine causes your blood vessels will narrow in your outermost layers of your skin. Fewer blood flows to your skin and you don’t get sufficient oxygen and vitamins in your body.

Smoking will not immediately cause a change in your skin but after ten years or a little bit more. It depends also of how much you smoke and you best avoid smoking or stop immediately if you want to prevent wrinkles and to stay beautiful at the age of 50 and older.

*Limit your time in the sun
It is best you limit your time in the sun. Exposure to the sun for a long time will cause wrinkles and can damage your skin. It is important to wear sunglasses and to apply frequently sun creams with retinoid and you choose best for a high factor, certainly when it is hot or if you live in or travels to tropical countries.

Laughing makes you happy and will boost your immune system. You feel relaxed and will certainly help to look youthful. It is also helpful to limit your stress and you feel young at heart. Everyone knows likely the proverb “People don’t stop laughing when they get old but they get old when they stop laughing”. Laughing will benefit your life and is helpful to stay beautiful at 50 and even more.

*Keep your mind active
Keeping your mind active is essential to stay beautiful at the age of 50 years or more. It prevents boredom and improves your physical health. Try always to learn new things or search some activities which require efforts from your brain. Reading a book, learning a new language, searching solutions for someone else problems will stimulate your brains activity and keeps you beautiful inside and outside.

*A positive outlook on life
A positive outlook on life will make you feel happy. A smile on your face is the best way to start your day and brightens your day. Positive thinking will always help to boost your immune system and to feel happy. A positive attitude makes you smile and you need learn to forgive and never hate someone. Everyone makes mistakes and talking will help to overcome every little problem which arises between you and other people. Try to be a true friend for everyone you like. The real beauty is on the inside but it may help to be beautiful outside too.

The beauty of a woman is best expressed in Audrey Hepburn’s poem “the beauty of a woman” which says “The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where Love resides. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives the passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.

Staying beautiful at age 50 and older is not a difficult task. The real beauty of a woman is inside her heart and you may not look like Brittney Spears, Angelina Jolie or any other beauty queen; you can even be and stay more beautiful if true beauty can be found in your heart.